Camp 2025 EvaluationEverything in this form will be kept anonymous from everyone. Responses will be collated and used to improve future camps. Name (Optional) First Name Last Name What team were you on? White Red Blue Yellow N/A Overall, how much did you enjoy camp? 1 2 3 4 5 Overall, how did you enjoy the venue? 1 2 3 4 5 Would you have preferred the camp to be 4 days? Yes No What did you like about the venue? (Distance, layout, facilities, etc.) What did you dislike about the venue? (Distance, layout, facilities, etc.) Overall, how did you enjoy the food? 1 2 3 4 5 Was there anything that could be improved for the food? Overall, how did you enjoy the activities? 1 2 3 4 5 What did you like about the activities? What did you dislike about the activities? How would you rate your team captain? (This will be kept anonymous regardless of whether you included your name) What did your captain do well? (This will be kept anonymous regardless of whether you included your name) How could your captain improve? (This will be kept anonymous regardless of whether you included your name) What was good about the camp organisation? (times, structure, procedures, etc.) What could be improved about the organisation of the camp? (times, structure, procedures, etc.) In general, do you have any suggestions for improvements to future camps? Thank you for your feedback and we hope to see you next year!